Property tax in Turkey; One of the types of taxes you have to pay

مالیات املاک در ترکیه

House tax in Turkey is one of the things that property buyers and investors in Turkey should be aware of. Familiarity with the tax laws in Turkey will help you not to get caught in the administrative bumps and problems that may arise in this field.

You know that every country has its own tax laws that its citizens and residents must follow. In this article, we want to introduce you to the property laws in Turkey. By owning one or more properties in Turkey, the property laws in Turkey are yours to follow.

قوانین مالیاتی در ترکیه برای ملک

Zero to hundred buying a house in Turkey

You know that tax is an expense taken by the government from the residents of the country to be used for the development of the country. The tax system of Turkey is strict, so to avoid the government dealing with you, it is better to learn and follow the rules. Of course, you can get help from institutions and specialized people active in this field by paying their wages to do your work. Stay tuned with Aria Queen!

House tax in Turkey; Tax on your property

One of the types of taxes in Turkey is the tax on your assets. This property can be property, inheritance or endowment. The amount of property tax in Turkey is between 0.1 and 0.6% of the property value, which is calculated according to the type of land. If your land is residential, the property tax in Turkey is 0.1 of the property value, and for commercial property, it is 0.2 of the property value. Of course, empty lands used for construction; In addition, agricultural land is exempt from paying taxes.

The proximity of the property to the municipality and the metro will increase your payment amount. In this case, you have to pay twice the usual amount.


It is better to know that when buying and selling, a tax is charged from the seller and the buyer. The house tax in Turkey is about 4.8% of the property value in this situation, and the government monitors the property valuation to report its real value. Of course, according to the conditions, the amount of this tax can be different.

It is interesting to know that the property price in Turkey has 3 different modes:

  • The price of the municipality, which is lower than the expert price and the real price of the property.
  • The price of expertise, which is also known as expertise, and in most cases, differs by 10% from the real price.
  • The actual price determined at the time of the transaction and desired by the seller.

You might think that inherited or gifted properties in Turkey are tax-free, but their taxes are higher than in other cases and are something like 4-30% of the property value.

So the house tax in Turkey has a different amount according to the conditions of the house and you have to pay it.

buying a house in Istanbul and the points you should pay attention to!

مالیات بر درآمد

Income tax, a type of tax collected from all people

The most important tax in Turkey or other countries is income tax. Income tax is a type of tax that is levied on your legitimate earnings. In fact, this tax can be taken from your work in Turkey, receiving house rent, profit from the sale of shares or… It doesn’t matter if you are a citizen of Turkey, a permanent resident or a short-term resident, this tax applies to you.

This tax is deducted directly from your salary and does not need to be paid separately. Income tax is similar to the tax that is collected from employees in Iran, and it is deducted from their pay slips before being paid to the individual. The percentage of this tax in Turkey is as follows:

Amount of annual income up to 24 thousand liras 24 to 53 thousand liras 53 to 190 thousand liras 190 to 650 thousand liras 650 thousand liras and above
Annual tax percentage 15 20 27 35 40

If you are working because of the company registration in Turkey, you should pay 20-25% of the net income of the company along with 33% of the rent of the company premises as taxes. If the location of the virtual company, there is no need to pay rent tax.

نوعی مالیات از درآمدها

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cost tax (value added tax)

Cost tax is the same tax that you will see on your purchases as KDV. The amount of this tax is determined according to the goods and is between 1 and 23%; For example, for a supermarket item, the number will be 18, for a rental car, the number will be 23. This tax in Iran is a fixed number of 9%, which is usually charged to the customer for receiving services or online shopping, etc.

Canceling the stamp of the contract, agreement, note and paper includes tax on the cost.

The latest rules Residence in Turkey

Vehicle tax in Turkey

Any type of vehicle that has a motor, such as a private car, motorcycle, etc., will include a tax that is paid annually by its owner. This tax is also called MTV. The payment terms are in one installment or two installments (first of January and July).

مالیات وسیله نقلیه

The method of calculating the vehicle tax depends on the age of the vehicle and its engine volume, and not paying it will subject you to a heavy fine.

Paying the vehicle tax is easy and you can pay it through your bank account or visiting the tax office in person.

Forex income tax

Although forex is illegal in Iran, this is not the case in Turkey. By opening an account, you can easily receive income from your activity in forex. Currently, this income is not taxed, but it is possible that it will be taxed in the future.

Tax on YouTube income

YouTube is officially active in Turkey, so you can easily cash in the income from your work, but this income is subject to tax and does not depend on your presence or absence in Turkey. If your income is more than 880 thousand liras per year, the tax will be 15%.

مالیات درآمد از یوتوب

Get to know the benefits of a Turkish passport!

Concluding remarks

House tax in Turkey is one of the types of taxes in Turkey. In this article, we told you the types of taxes in Turkey, one of which is the property tax in Turkey. If you are a resident of Turkey or are planning to immigrate to it, you should be aware of property taxes in Turkey and other types of taxes in this country.

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